GANGRENOUS FINGER - By Jarbean J. Garlthon
In the foxhole, I knelt head bowed
And said a departing prayer
The pall of death's encroaching shroud
The fetid cuticle
Amongst the dirt, grime, mould
My brow uncontroll`ed twitched
Accurs`ed ferret biting cold
Finger snitched
O injustice the inane beast!
In the foxhole, I knelt head bowed
And said a departing prayer
The pall of death's encroaching shroud
The fetid cuticle
Amongst the dirt, grime, mould
My brow uncontroll`ed twitched
Accurs`ed ferret biting cold
Finger snitched
O injustice the inane beast!
By from his holiness Lord Jarbean J Garlthon VII, D.D.S. From his collection of poems: I Can't Believe It's Not Better, published by Giant Hamster Press
Truth be told Jarbean J. Garlthon is actually an alias (like you couldn't figure that out), a blending of various names from our family:
Gar -Garin
l - alicia
thon - jonathon
He came about due to some run-on poems and stories we were doing late at night at a family reunion some years back. We had such a blast we created a fictional persona for him.
This particular poem was created by Sean, Alicia, Jared, Garin, Isaac, and honorary member Jerry Naylor at the recent 2007 eLearning DevCon in SLC, Utah during dinner. Good times!